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HI I am near the end of the game to...

HI I am near the end of the game to fight the snow Queen but it says a still need a blessing!! I think I need Hepititus and have searched bogwood and can't find her!!! Please help also does anyone know where to find the sewing kit?? Thank you

By 98hi98yo
k so all you need to do is when u frist go into bogwood there is a house with a sign in front of it, when u read it it say's Hepititus so on and so on when u go inside talk to the witch she say's you need to get her a actors something[sothing like that] so u go to the acting place and talk to the witch behind the desk,than go talk to Hepititus she will tell u no[to the quetion witch i do not want to tip] there is a girl with red hair by the school talk to her than go look at the acting kids roport card than go talk to the redhead again than go talk to the teacher who will tell u to get him slim for those green things than give it to the teacher than go to the acting girls house than talk to her mom to get the actors card than give it to Hepititus than open the chest in her house to get her blessing hope this helps u ps no idea where sewing kit is sorry
By draconia
tailors kit is in the forest with spoons and king cards by Happilly Ever After. its on other side of bridge with troll on it. you need the north wind found in White Pass to blow troll off bridge and you need empty bottle to catch wind. u get empty bottle by leading witch with green hair by child witch's stage to the boar in HEA (Happily Ever After). keep talking to the two of them till you get bottle. Must be after you give love staff to the witch in question.
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