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how do you get a speckled shark?

By unknown_reader
Pretty much the only way to swing it is with two different types of shark. Shark is #1 on the body list, so is exceedingly hard to breed. Speckled is #17, so is also kind of hard to breed. You will need fin types on both sides of #17, then try to average them. Use the breeding chart. It is your friend!
By britt
SHark + Catfish with any of these fins

Crimson + Flagged
Crimson + Great-Sail
Finless + Golden
Finless + Oriental
Flagged + Crimson
Flagged + Golden
Golden + Finless
Golden + Flagged
Great-Sail + Crimson
Great-Sail + Spined
Greenfin + Spined
Greenfin + Stubby
Orange + Twin-Fin
Oriental + Finless
Oriental + Twin-Fin
Razorback + Speckled
Razorback + Stubby
Speckled + Razorback
Speckled + Speckled
Spined + Great-Sail
Spined + Greenfin
Stubby + Greenfin
Stubby + Razorback
Twin-Fin + Orange
Twin-Fin + Oriental

but you must have a catfish and a shark that is the only way
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