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can someone tell me how to get the ...

can someone tell me how to get the blessing from Hepitus?? I have all the other blessings but that one. and i need that blessing before i can defeat the snow queen!!! so please someone tell me!!!!

By melinda
go into her house after she has left and open the chest.
By deedee
read the sign in front of her house! then she will ask you to get her an agent!! then go to the agentand she will say she has to have some king of card!! go back and talk to hep. and she will tell you she doesnt have one!! then find a girl with red hair and she will ask you to help her get her report card from miphey the famous child actor!! then go to the child actor talk to her, then go back to the red head! then to the teacher in the school (he is at the top of bogwood) he will ask for slime. you will have to go to the bogwood forest and defeat one of the green slime things and after you kill it check it and it will give you slime. then go back to the teacher and give him the slime then go to miphey's house and talk to the red head there then talk to the mom and she wil give you mimphey's card. give it to hep and then hep will leave then check the chest in hep's house!! that should help if you still need it!!
By izzaboo
You must complete the (not so) side-quest with gretel and mimphry in order to get the blessing. She leaves her house once you have given her an actors guild card, allowing you to open the chest in her house and get the blessing.
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