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Chocolatier 2: Secret Ingredients Forum

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Chocolatier 2 overview this is not ...

Chocolatier 2 overview
this is not a true walkthrough. it is juat an overview

i havent really played the game enogh for a good

walkthrough but since this is the only one that is out

there you wil have to put up with it. i will have a

better walkthrough later.
each section will include town, shop,market, and people

you will find there. if the place says travelers that

can be anyone that doesnt have a set place in the game.

i havent beaten the game either this is my first play

through so it is a work in progress. Sorry if it sucks

just i couldnt find one so i will give you what I got.

This wil hopelly help a little bit.

San Francisco
Place, person, (kind {op.}), items for sell {op}
Baumaister Confections H.Q. = Alexarter Tanye
Brickhouse Square = Ilya Bajanore (factory 1)
Bavay Coast = travelers
San Francisco Chocolates = Helen Mc Murtry (shop)
Ferry Market = Sharon Knowles (market) sugar, milk,

rasberries, almonds

San Jose
Calle Central= Wally Hammersmith
Iraza Plantation = Dieta Baumeister {Costa Rican Cocao}
Bombones de Fantasia = Sara Baumister (shop1)
Teatro Squar Market = Leon Manzinillo, Jr. (market),

Cashew nuts, sugar, cacao beans, milk

New York
Public Library = Nicholas Schaffer
Broadway Confections Ltd. = Trevor Bonfilio (factory 2)

The Village Pub = travelers
The Blind Pig = Clarinda Penike Sweet = Loudou Trilling

Browery Market = Clarinda Penimeir, (market), cashew

nuts, sugar, milk, mint, pecans

Secret Places
1. The Amazon of of Cayenne. There are no shops in

these places just a market with stuff you cant find

anywhere else. fire ants, Amazonian Plantions

1. Basic chocolate= sugar + cacao beans
2. Dark chocolate= sugar + 2 cacao beans
3. Milk chocolate= sugar + cacao beans + milk solids
4. Chocolate squares W/ Almonds= sugar + caco beans +
7. Chococlate Squares w/Oranges= sugar + Cocao +
10. Chocolate Squares w/Hazelnuts= Sugar + Cocao +
9. Chocolate Squares w/Raspberries= sugar + Cocao +
Raspberries (Chas Baumeiter)
8. Chocolate Squares w/Lemon= sugar + cacao + lemons
(Antonio Batista)

Infusions 49,000
1. Extra Dark Chocolate= sugar + 3 cacao
2. Dark Chololate infusions w/Mint= sugar + cacao +
3. Dark Chocolate infusions w/ Pecans= sugar + 2cacao
+ Pecan
12. Dark Chocolate infusions w/Amazonian Plantions=
(this is the one i came up with it can be different
just aslong as it includes Amazonian Plantions)
Sugar, 2cacao, Amazonian Plantions
10. Cayenne Dark Chocolate infusions w/Pepper= sugar +
2Cayenne cacao + Cayenne pepper
8. African Dark Infections w/Oranges= sugar + Oranges
+ Cote D'lvoerdiu Cacao (Khadio Diallo)

1. Dark Coffee and saffron pearls = Sugar + Cacao Beans

+ Cacao Beans + Coffee Beans + Saffron (Sahara)
2. Spicy Chocolate Smooches = Currants (sahara) + Sugar

+ Cacao Beans + Cacao Beans + Cayenne Pepper
3. Tropical Fruit Ganache = Mahajange Cacao + Sugar +

Indonesian Cacao + Mangoes + Amazonian Plantains
4. Amazonian Fire Ants = Sugar + Fire Ants + Coconut

Shavings + Amazonian Plantains
5. Spicy Clove, Ginger and Anise Ganache = Sugar + Cacao

Beans + Cloves + Anise + Fresh Ginger
6. Varietal Nibs = Mahajange Cacao + Indonesian Cacao +

Cote D’Ivorian Cacao + Cayenne Cacao + PC
7. Candied Orange Peels = Mahajange Cacao + Sugar +

Anise + Oranges + Costa Rican Cacao
8. Sweet Honey Hearts Mahajange Cacao + Sugar + Cote

D’Ivorian Cacao + Caramel + Lavendar Honey
9. Tea and Toasted Pecan Ivories = Sugar + Cote

D’Ivorian Cacao + Cote D’Ivorian Cacao + Black Tea +

10. Pumpkin Macadamia Cers = Fijian Pumpkin + Sugar

+ Macadamia Nut + Truffle Powder
11. Varietal Dark Chocolates Wild Cherries = Mahajange

Cacao + Sugar + Wild Island Cherries + Philippines Cacao

+ Costa Rican Cacao

Posted by: Anonymous
my email [email protected] (please dont email

about places and things not on here yet i am still

working on this and will find this stuff out on my own.

you can email me about mispellings and different recipes

you have tried in the lab that worked if you want me to

include them in the guide. aimee)

By pat
Not a tip, A QUESTION!!??

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