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Has anyone defeated the Snow Queen?...

Has anyone defeated the Snow Queen? I have been battling her for over an hour now. Getting very discouraged. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

By melinda
Iyas radiance song works great, and chicken curse
By aawyn
I don't have the radiance song. Where do you get it? HELP!!
By melinda
I wish I had made notes throughout the game-- I just do not know I have a feeling it was one earned through gaining experience, and levels.
By amused
Get the chicken curse scroll, the blizzard scroll (and I was about level 71 when I fought her). Use Gavin, if you have him, to keep her sleeping. Just keep her from fighting back and then wail on her.

It took a while, but she never killed any of my guys.
By aawyn
I did it finaly finished the game. I had to go back and get Gavin and give up Nicholas. Gavins North Wind Spell did the trick!! Thanks for the help.
By girl76
Did it take more than five minutes? I have been playing 5 minute trials over and over. I am pretty far, but only need Aisling before going to fight the snowqueen. But no one is home at the witches house or mirror mansion. Maybe it knows I didn't but the game? But I guess I won't beat her if it takes more than 5minutes. how frustrating!
By dragon girl
o melinda,im just 7 and i know everything heres my question that i ONLY not know,its just i dunno how am i going to get radinance song how where when?im sooooo stuked help

By dragongirl
nvm ive been an enchantress and ive deafeted the snow queen and that hepitus!she's behind all of this?!she really gone too far than i think of her at the first time i seen her!
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