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I am stuck on Level 8-7 Puzzle Mode...

I am stuck on Level 8-7 Puzzle Mode APEP'S WATERS. So far I have been very quick with the puzzle sets, this one has me stumped. I just got the game a few days ago, love it so far and don't want to skip this level to continue. Thanks Glenn.....

By tim
I too was stuck on this one until I realized a crucial feature of the game - if you click the right mouse button it swaps the current colour ball with the next colour (the one that shows up as two balls below the main one). This helps a lot, not just in the puzzle levels. I don't remember seeing this in any of the game instructions.

Anyway in this particular level you need to keep swapping the green ball away until you can use it on the string at top right.

With this hint it's not too difficult to work the rest of it out.

By grueldor
I just wanted to say that you for bringing back to memory the whole switching of the green as soon as I read it it was like I had had an episode of De Ja Vu. Anyways thanks again.
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