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I think I've finally reconciled my ...

I think I've finally reconciled my addiction to these time management games. I mean, why do I slave away at these low paying service jobs only to come home and spend my free time ~pretending~ to work at a low paying service jobs? The answer: Pffft! I have no idea... but I can live with that.

And since there seems to be no shortage of low paying service jobs, so to are there time management games running amok all over the casual gaming world. Paradise Pet Salon is no exception but this carries just enough subtle differences (such as no monetary goals) and adorable graphics (Yay! Puppies and Kitties!) to keep me throughly hooked.

You won't solve the universe's unanswered questions with this game (like, why do dogs ~love~ to eat cat turds?) but you will certainly enjoy yourself!

Now if they'd only make one of these games about thrift stores....

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