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Hi There, I'm fairly early on in t...

Hi There,
I'm fairly early on in the game; in shop 3, Aloha. I can't seem to get passed October. Would some let me know in what order they bought things please. It would be a great help. Many Thanx in Advance xx

By cb
I can't get past August - any tips?
By suze12
You have to learn to manage the tables, the checkout line, the change rooms and the customer service all at once. Also please note the snob woman, the college boy and the business woman buy the most candy so that will raise your score. Only practice will help you finish the hectic levels. On some of them the note gives a hint what to buy, for example the women's day or the school boy t-shirts.
By suze12
Other tips: be sure to restock the teen boys' popular shirts first. They buy 2 of everything. Also if you play enough you learn their habits and can sometimes get what they want in advance. When they are angry they will rarely explode in the checkout line. Save the drinks for the end so as not to lose the last few angry customers. If it is going well, save them for the big spenders. The snob woman gives you $8 at checkout if her heart is fully red; the college guy and business woman $6. The kids spend less; only waste the drinks on them of you are about to lose them. Anticipate actions, carry clothes to drop off while delivering others, clear everything. It's a cycle. I found it impossible to finish the third shop until I learned the patterns. Think of it is kind of a PacMan pattern. This is a great tame and I wish it had a sequel.
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