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anyone know how do beat 10-7? and t...

anyone know how do beat 10-7? and thanks for the help for 10-2 ^_^

By khetenhaloss
I can't remember 10-7. If you tell me the name of the background screen I can check it out and compare with the puzzle mode ones. It's probably located between 1 and 40, which I can access.
By sickochook
I too am having problems with 10-7 (Vine of life puzzle) I cant seem to get the greens to connect up and I'm not sure where to put the wild sphere.

By khetenhaloss
10-7 is same as 1-38, explained somewhere else in this topic. :)
By ms chevy
I have followed the instuctions from puzzle 1-38 and it is quit the same for puzzle 10-7. However they seem to either have missed a ball or left out a detail. Because it clears all the ball out, except by the end. it doesn't join the bottom row of two green balls to the left side curve where the white balls are. So when you pop the set of white balls it should pop the green bottom row with the remainding single green. But it doesn't. So frustrating...any suggestions???
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