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I am so confused. I gave King Loine...

I am so confused. I gave King Loinel to the elves and forgot about the battering ram. Is there something else I can use for a battering ram? I've already finished the game once but I'm totally going braindead on where you get Vata's soul. I forgot where it was. And what's a Titans Tritant? I've never heard of that. And what's a firestick? I heard it on one of the other help sight.

By darkwoll
You have a choice to give the statue to the squirrels or the elves. If you give to elves you can save the cursed ghost town. If you give to squirrels you get firesticks to blow up the wall craks. Titans trident is from Ahrimans phrophecy.

By anabolinho
If you give the statue to the squirrels first you can buy it back later from the pirates and then give to the elves
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