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Does anyone know the combo for a ri...

Does anyone know the combo for a ridgeball cactus..I had one, but my kid played and didnt save any seed..I have all the magic plants, now im just working on new combos...and does anyone know what all the varieties are (of plants and flowers) to complete the game? Getting to many of the same old ones and I'm getting bored with it..need some new plants...thanks..

By cygnet84
There are 23 types of flowers and 23 types of leaves. So a total combination of 529 different plants. You will frequently get the same old ones. I actually have 527 of the combinations with 2 to go which are growing in background as I write. The ridgeballs can be acquired by buying them in your seed tray and by mutating a multifloral. They can't be "breed". when you mutate a multifloral, you will get one of three things -- another two types of multifloral or a ridgeball. When you mutate you there are only one of three things a plant will mutate into. I tried to get a spotted reptan by mutating every possible reptan and kept not getting it.To get a spotted reptan you can only use a spotted scanden or painted reptan. So mutating doesn't get you just anything. It's specific. I have a "virtual seed tray" that holds all my seeds. I never sell any and so have been able to get new plants by working on different combinations. What really gets you away from the same old plants is to be the extinct seeds and then use those to pollinate everything -- making sure you save those seeds. Polliinate them with each other once you have extra seeds. Money shouldn't be a problem once you have the lemonbush. I sold it for 611 routinely early in the game and now sell it for 1011 with all ornaments in the nursery and 3 bomb fertilizers. 1111 won't sell. So 1011 is the high point. Hope that helps.
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