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OK, I can't find a single gem. Any...

OK, I can't find a single gem. Anyone care to give a more specific hint for one other than what room to look in. How about WHERE in the room. Color doesn't seem to help. I've gone to the attic and clicked on every yellow thing in there and not found the topaz.

By lu
Same problem for me... please help!
By ml
The topaz is in the attic on the left of the screen. Look on the shelves. (At least, that's where it was for my game. It might change...) That was the hardest one for me to find.
By marieke
I've looked everywhere, along with a list of cheats where the gems could be hidden... Still not a single gem. What's going on?! :(
By marieke
Is it maybe because it's the trial version?
By red
Look at the rocking horse's neck.
Look in greenery.
By yayme
The last gem is a yellow one. In the attic, there's a painting in the middle of the room. You're welcome.
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