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Having a great deal of problems on ...

Having a great deal of problems on level 7 (The seaweed level), have upgraded everything. I have had a bit of a stalemate on some attempts. I'm wondering if you have to conquer and mine the other areas but I can never push my troops out that far. Any suggestions would be great. I did hear that if you produce sea sages in great numbers then it's possible. Many Thanx

By skydad2
I finished the game using the same strategy at each level. I only built Merboys and Tridents as units. Turtles once in a while for fun but the othe stuff seems pretty useless. I would always build about three each of the structures that make each Merboy and Tridents. Did not build any other structures. I always would wait till I was about maxed at units (100) before venturing out. I would attack and clear out one area at a time. I would also command all attacking units to fight one opponent at a time. Faster kills that way. If I had two bases at the beginning I would only use the main base to begin. If the other base got attacked no big deal - you can build it back later. By using just Merboys and Tridents you and making sure you have them maxed it was pretty easy going through the levels.

The mouse controls were horrible for me - if you build structures close together selecting them was difficult.
By toxshock
Many Thanx Sky dad2 I will have go with your suggestions, I have had minor success also by creating scouts who then build watch towers, this slows the enemy lol.
By toxshock
Ok , my tips ( with the help of skydad2) to get thru level 7. Firstly build merboys and trident buildings and upgrade as soon as possible. Then all the hamlets you need to max you out to 100. 15 to 20 workers are needed. 30 each of the fighters and 5 or so scouts and 2 or 3 turtles. Then head out clearing land and building towers with your scouts to slow down the enemy. Taking over new crystal and magma mines and then building more buildings. It's slow and takes a good hour or so to get thru it.

On the plus side level 8 is fairly easy though level 9 is very hard.

Good Luck
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