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The first several levels of the cam...

The first several levels of the campaign are almost too easy and then you get into the hard stuff and hit a brick wall. I wish there were a more gradual change in difficulty because making it impossible by level 8 or so just takes a lot of the fun out of it.

By grog
Easy to learn, difficult to master - that's great game design. I'm stuck at level 10.. but its soo funny.. The Queen and everyone else is in this level and the Queen can summon War Gnomes!!!

WTF its so hilarious when the War Gnome finally dies or run its time on the world and has to banish back to wherever it comes from
By skydad2
I thought this was kind of goofy as you only need to use Merboys and Tridents. All other units are basically useless. If you wait to venture out until you max your units (100) and have just the Merboys and Tridents you can cruise through each level without issue. The mouse controls are horrible - If you build structures too close together it is hard to select them.

Simple and burned a few hours of time but that is about it.
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