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Good money making tips- For those p...

Good money making tips- For those people who can't seem to make their rare fish survive. How to get enough money for rare fish survival.

Just start out breeding fish. Don't waste money buying tank decor yet. Save that for when your rich.

You get the Greenfin Spotanus in your first batch of eggs, but DON'T sell this one.

Just carry on selling your common fish untill you have enough for a second tank. It does good damage to your finances, but It'll be good to have. I'd also recomend an Aeration system too. I don't think the Temp. Regulator does much, so don't bother.

Another good thing to get is RESEARCH ENVIRONMENT. Actually, You'll need at least level 2 to breed most rare fish. RESEARCH ENVIRONMENT will allow rarer fish to survive for a longer time. (Which, considering these are rare fish, isn't much longer, but long enough)

I would recomend not breeding any super rare fish just yet. You'll end up spending all your money trying to keep them alive. Instead focus most of your efforts on making and breeding a good 'cash cow' fish. I'd recomend a Golden Goldbulb. You can get this fish several ways, but however you get it, get LOTS of it. This is a 30-40 dollar fish. Get at least 2, and breed them together. I'd recomend keeping them and your Greenfin Spotanus in the selling tank. (Don't sell, though). Soon, you'll be able to sell loads of these fish.

The Greenfin Spotanus is you Magical fish of Fertility, so your Golden Goldbulbs will get an extra baby when bred in the same tank. Keep your other finances small, an concentrate on breeding and selling your cash cows. Be carefull not to sell the Greenfin Spotanus, though. If you do, try and get another with a set of common eggs. Otherwise, all you should be spending money on is the occasional Ick or Fungal treatment.

Soon, you will have quite a bit of cash. Keep breeding those Golden Goldbulbs, in case you need more. Now, get an Orange Goldbulb. Breed this with a Golden Goldbulb to create an Oriental Goldbulb. These are VERY usefull. They will make your fish grow better, and you can sell them at a high price. Only one problem. They're a fragile fish, so Its hard enough to get it to the point where you can breed or sell it. Use your Golden Goldbulbs to get enough money for Research Enviornment at a high level, and stock up best you can on fish vitamins and some Growth Hormone. When you get some rare fish to survive, your almost there!

Instead of impregnating the rare fish and hope they live long enough to give birth, impregnate the other, non-rare fish. That way, even if your rare dies, you still have the babies. (I'm not sure what to do about rare-rare breeding except use lots of fish vitamins) Congrats! You have bred some rare fish!

(Some people say that fast-money making is skipping pat the best part of the game, the tank building. I say that it is just a way to get better tank building and take better care of your fish, because you have the budget for it.)

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