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can some one please tell me how to ...

can some one please tell me how to complete the level where you need to protect the bank? i've been trying for ages. it says protect the bank from the bandits until you have 15 people but i have almost 50 now and nothing is happening. can some one please help me? thank you

By greasy
Hi, I had the same problem so i restarted the level and made sure that my original sheriff didn't get killed...i pretty much put him way out of the way of the bandits the whole entire time. Then I just hired gunslingers to do the shootin'. I ped the level after i beat all the bandits. Here is a tip, explore the map and pick up every single extra(crates, bushes, trees and treasure chest) and pick up everything that the bandits drop.
By greasy
Hi, I had the same problem so i restarted the level and made sure that my original sheriff didn't get killed...i pretty much put him way out of the way of the bandits the whole entire time. Then I just hired gunslingers to do the shootin'. I ped the level after i beat all the bandits. Here is a tip, explore the map and pick up every single extra(crates, bushes, trees and treasure chest) and pick up everything that the bandits drop
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