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QUESTON: I saved up and bought F...


I saved up and bought FISH ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH...
Now I see the PROGRESS Bar slooooooooowly loading... Do I need to wait until it's finished to continue the game?? OR can I click the DONE button? Or will that cancel the FISH ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH?


By unknown_reader
You can continue. It only takes time to research it. So, until it is fully researched, you will be working with the previous level. So, if it is your first time, Environmental Research will operate at level one until level two is fully researched (should take about two hours).

By melvin
The amount of time it takes to research depends upon how fast the game is running but will continue to progress even when the game is not running. when you go onto the game and the research is complete. the pop up window will come on the screen over your game and tell you what level it is at.
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