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It's addicting! But I need to know ...

It's addicting! But I need to know if I can click the DONE button while the FISH ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH Progress bar seems to be loading.... very sloooowly........!

By unknown_reader
Answered above. And to be honest, I am shocked that it only took you about 3 hours to get an answer. There are only about a dozen of us that are currently watching the board here ;)
By justin2
yes you can hit the done button and keep playing.. but the enviorment will stay the same till the upgrade is done.. you can click on research enviorment in the supplies screen to check your progress.. also a lot of people dont know this but the seahorse also ups your enviorment.. i used that till i got the research done ...good luck
By ultra man
By karl
Just set your time at 3 hours advanced to make the progress faster.Howcome me, when i was researching for food,i advanced the time.then when i turned the game back on,i noticed that my fish food had changed when i tried to feed my fish.WARNING: sometimes if you have sick fish,you advanced the time,YOR SICK FISH WILL DIE.>
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