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Virtual Villagers 2: The Lost Children Forum

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so i have all the tech levels, all ...

so i have all the tech levels, all the puzzles are completed, i have almost all the collections (missing one butterfly) and i have well over 4 million tech points, and 6 hundred thousand food points, the population has reached its maximum, is there any ending to this game? do the "lost children" get found? does anything get figured out? or have i just wasted time for no ending to this game? a "cliff hanger" i should say. does the gong do anything else than grant food, wisdom and such?

By villagemom
I have the same question. Are we supposed to find the villager left behind? Are we supposed to find out who "restored" the magic?
By lila
The "lost children" are the kids you found at the beiginning of the game!And if ya told all the young kids a story at the very begining of the game a pop-up will say that one of the kids remember something before your people came.It says that the adults were hiding pieces of something (the gong) and left to find something elese, and that one adult stayed behind to look after the kids but what happend to the last adult is unclear. So I guess basically if they make a third one they migt find the guardian.
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