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Halloween ist eine Zeit des Gebens....

Halloween ist eine Zeit des Gebens. home loans Eine Zeit, wenn du wie ein Zombie und komplette Fremde oben ankleiden kannst, gibt dir Süßigkeit - oder, wenn du ein Zombie bist, ist es die eine Zeit aus dem Jahr heraus, das du nicht gegen abgesondert wirst. In jedem Fall ist Halloween eine fröhliche Gelegenheit.

By unknown_reader
Patience, Grasshopper (sorry for the Kung Fu reference here). Best fish for the online version is the Orange Fruitfish (that I have found). Once the upgrades have been bought to the max, they sell easily for $30 each. Breed them exclusively, and pay close attention to selling them as often as possible, and you can build money fairly quickly. Much quicker than trying to sell Silky Sharks for $5 each....

By unknown_reader
I think maybe I ought to add on other thoughts on money that were listed above as well.

Since you are trying to add money, I would suggest NOT trying to cure every fish that gets sick. Unless the fish you are trying to sell fish that are worth more than $10 each (minimum), you will be wasting money buying medicine. The medicines cost $30 or $40 each, and you get 3 uses per medicine, so it costs $10 or $13.33 per use. So, if your fish are selling for less than that, it really would not be worth even medicating them. Besides that, unless it is an extremely rare fish, is it really worth saving?

If you are in money saving mode, you should be mass producing fish that sell for a lot of money. If you have one fish sick, but you have 5 others that are going to be fine (of the same type when you are mass breeding for money), dump it. That way you are not wasting money on one fish that you would be just selling anyway. A fish gets sick, trash it. That way the rest of your fish do not get sick as well.

Try to keep at least $120 on hand (or $160 for the online version) just in case you have a problem and get your fish wiped out. This way you can start over with new beginner fish eggs.

Upgrades are good! The difference between level 1 and level 2 with the different upgrades makes a HUGE difference. Level 1 Advertising will bring in up to 6 (I think) customers at one time, but level 2 advertising can bring in 16! With more customers, there is more fighting over your fish, so more higher priced sales. For the non-online version, buying the second tank is a great help. You can breed many more fish, so you can sell many more than before. Breeding fish in the two non-sell tanks, then transferring them to the sale tank once they are born frees up more room in your breeding tanks.

If you want to keep any of the fish that you transfer to the sell tank, you simply watch them to make sure that they are still babies when trying to sell. Baby fish are not for sale, and will never sell. If they are adults, and you still have them in your sale tank, mark their price way up, to say the $5000 - $10,000 range. Chances are, they will not sell. But if they do sell, you now have the money to do whatever you want, and chances are more than enough money to breed the fish back again from eggs. There is always a random factor involved in selling fish. Sometimes (very rarely) a customer will buy a fish for ANY price. I think that there is a random number that is added to minimum price when a customer is looking to buy. But, there is a minute chance that the number added is infinite, so it is an automatic sale, regardless of the price. This explains why so many people are selling fish for huge amounts of money.

OK, this is what first comes to mind. If I think of anything more, I will just edit this post, and add to it. I hope I helped everyone!
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