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Virtual Families 2: Our Dream House Forum

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By molly
When you go to find collectibles in the yard, put one person on it and while he/she is picking it up, put another person on it. You will get two of the same collectible and if it's a new item, you get the item for your collection and you get to sell the other one! If it's not a new item, you will get double the money for selling them online!
By ladidi
Also, if you hit your space bar that will pause the game until you find a person, drop that person on the collectable and hit the space bar twice really quick, this will pause the game again and you can go get another person, drop them on the collectable and hit your space bar once more, they both should have a collectable and you will receive twice the money. After they have the collectable in their hands, pick one up and drop it, the money will go into the bank, then pick the other one up and drop it, and that money will go into the bank. That way you don't have to wait for them to go to the inter-net to sell it. Because sometimes there will be two collectables close together.
By mbeag
I've been putting THREE people on top of an item. Hahaha 3X the money! I first put them all close to the object, though. You have to be fast.
By mbeag
**It helps to use the people who move slower, i.e., adults instead of kids. That way, you have more time to put them all on one item.
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