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Achievement 'Enemy of cruelty'

By anakoloet
Hey guys,

I'm wondering if anyone figured out how to get the achievement 'enemy of cruelty', wich is passing 25 levels in a row without killing a single ghost by hand. I started over at level 37 (because in the former levels sometimes your objective is to kill ghosts by hand), and am now at level 42. Has anyone gotten this one yet?
By megajar
After many trials and tribulations, I finally got this achievement. I did it by beating levels 17-41, consecutively, without manually killing any ghosts (deaths by statue or magic mask don't count).

Now you may be wondering: if you can't kill ghosts by hand, how do you stop them from destroying your buildings? Well, there's a neat trick I found that'll get rid of an attacking ghost without killing it. And that trick is: a ghost will stop attacking a building if you marking it for demolition.

So here's what you do. When the ghost starts attacking a building, select that building and click the wrecking-ball icon, as if you're going to demolish it -- the ghost will immediately disappear. Then, BEFORE your workers reach the building to actually demolish it, click the building again to cancel the demolition. Your building will be safe, the ghost will be gone, and you never actually killed it yourself. Pretty slick, no?

In fact, it's not just demolition that stops the ghost; it'll disappear if you interact with the building in ANY way, including upgrading it or (in the case of a Market) buying wood from it. Just remember to cancel the action before your workers get there (unless you wanted to do that action anyway).
By omachar
Actually, I found it doesn't have to be consecutive levels, just have to play 25 levels in a row and not kill ghosts. I jumped around and was able to achieve it too.

Also, thanks for the tip. It helped me on a couple of levels I was concerned about and it worked great.
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