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Stargazing & Sleeping Dragon

By cuteevee x
How do i get these trophies? What do i have to do for them to do what the trophies say to do? lol i can't explain it properly :D Please help?
By apple457
From what I know they'll do it on their own. You can't make them do it. You just have to wait and catch when they do it .
By pen
For stargazing, when you see a person 'looking at stuff' at night, praise them!
By molly
Stargazing is "looking at stuff."
The Sleeping Dragon is when the do kung fu. My people tend to do kung fu whenever they're really happy and have lots of energy. My advice would be to give them an energy drink. When i do that my people always do kung fu.
By mbeag
I just keep picking them up and putting them back down until they begin an activity I want to praise. Haha
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