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Help! Can't open coffin...

By stuck
Hi! I'm at the part where you're supposed to open the coffin but can't. Was able to play the hidden object scene and got the salts, though... Also can't place hook on the block, even with rope attached to it...
By potato chip
Having the same issue. The pictures come up when I select an area of interest, but I can't perform any actions - every time I tap the scenes to do something, they close without doing anything. Can't connect the rope to the pulley. Can't open the coffin. Can't read the note on the car. Can't play! Stuck and mad I paid $3 for a buggy/broken game.
By stuck
That's the exact issue that I'm having... At least I'm not the only one but I paid almost 5$ for mine...
By donna
I'm having the exact same problem. Can anyone please enlighten us on how to solve this problem?
By cgard
Ahhhh!! Same problem with me! Any answers???
By llc3
Anyone find a solution for this? I have the same problem.
By tl
Same problem!! I'm stuck! Can't open the coffin or move the car with the hook! Ugh! Is this a glitch or is there a solution?!?
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