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Im stuck on the level with all the ...

Im stuck on the level with all the bridges and have to give the bandit $400....Ive tried it three times and cant get past it without exhausting all of my resources....any tips?

By coney
I have posted this before so sorry if you already read this...i just copied and pasted LOL......

The easiest way to do that is not to worry about bridges at all! there is nothing really out there of any worth. there is a trading post but you can just build one of your own without wasting so much on buying bridges. Just make sure you have a farm, and a lumber camp set up (down south by the abandoned house is a good place to start) as you get your food save it up in the barrel...gather up all the wood you need and go ahead and save that to, then with all the extra wood trade it out for your gold. After you save your 300 gold, a bandit will appear demanding another 400 gold. Ppl come and go for lack of food but as long as you make sure your lumber camp is running at all times your two original characters will stay. There are at least two other places where you can set up additional lumber camps to the east where you originally started and south east there is a group of trees with a little dynamite and some irrigation you can clear enough space to aculate more wood to trade. Again you don't have to worry about bridges just wood to trade out for gold.
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