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On the online version, the Greenfin...

On the online version, the Greenfin Beta was the Fish of Fertility. Also, I started out with a Greenfin Spotanus on the online version, and it wasn't magical. Unlike friedbread, I didn't get any message. Is it possible that a magical fish is born but not have sparkles or be in the Magical Area?

By karl
Your wrong.Howcome when I was playing the online version the spotanus was the magic fish.Well,actually I already got 3 of the magic fish.The spotanus,the leafish and the snooper but actually when my snooper grew up,it died.
By d tycoon
ya my greenfin beta was sparckally and stuff but i8t wasent a mage fish
wth :(
By sam
Online it chooses either greenfin beta or greenfin spotanus to be magical. In the full version its always greenfin spotanus:)
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