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Super Granny 6 Forum


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level 19 Da box inna hole

By cp
Can't figure out how to fill the ditches to get the kitties safe, any suggestions?

By kristi
Have you looked at the video solution in our walkthrough? It's kind of hard to explain, but basically you can't fill in the holes with the available boxes and you need to be tricky. Take a look at the video and ask back here if you still have any questions, okay?
By cp
will do. thanks
By mo
ne vous occupé vous pas des boites au dessus de l'eau et vous ramassez tous vos chats à gauche et envoyé une bte au fond
l'autre boite pas au fond mais sur le bord et creusé un peu voilà
These are our legacy forums. Please go to the game walkthrough and scroll to the bottom for our new forums.