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Fish Tycoon Forum

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QUESTION: What is a pigmy fish?? I have been playing since before... 1 09/16/2006
hi how u can buy enviorment food and advertsing research what level ... 1 11/07/2006
Haha.... I wonder wo came up with the idea to raise a fish's price s... 1 09/09/2006
I have allready got green fin spotanus on the web version but it doe... 1 09/26/2006
Well, I finally did it. At one point in my game I have owned at leas... 1 09/26/2006
We sold the Speckled Goldshark twice for $475 and its not even a mag... 1 12/15/2007
Does anyone know if it's possible to transfer fish from one account ... 1 05/11/2007
How do you get infinant #s? I can just get 9999 and then it stops. (... 1 10/19/2008
hi, this may be a silly question, i jut got started; how do you save... 1 01/03/2008
how can i get a spined fruitfish - no matter how many new eggs i b... 1 10/15/2009
Old website?? 1 08/05/2013
how do you get a hornet flash fish?I am only ten years old.any comba... 1 03/20/2011
Okay I got all of the magical fish, is that the end of the game? A ... 1 09/13/2006
Does anyone know a cheat program for mac os x to cheat fish tycoon ... 1 08/06/2007
has anyone ever gotten all of the types and fins of fish? I only hav... 1 08/09/2007
get a fish pregnat and then use 1 drop of growth hormone then switc... 0 08/30/2008
really you just need a twin fin spotanus and a spined spotanus to br... 0 10/19/2008
i just love this game and all that goes with it i am compiling a pi... 0 10/19/2008
someone please tell me wht your key code for fish tycoon is.i really... 0 05/13/2007
An excellent game for the basics of biology and geneology, also a fu... 0 10/15/2009
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