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what do i do with the smoke bomb in the cave? o.o i tried killing th... 2 09/12/2018
Where can I find the dragon Bridle? 2 05/13/2013
I need to know the answer to the last question in the dungeon in Ghe... 2 10/13/2009
i confess i need a lot of help on this game 2 03/01/2008
How i get a shovel? 2 06/08/2009
ned help where do i find the city of sedona?asap 2 05/02/2009
where do i find the bottle to capture the fairies??ned reply asap... 2 02/10/2009
I have a little delay about the first, WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU SUPPOS... 2 10/03/2010
alright. i defeated ma first druid, the lady who was waiting near ... 2 12/26/2008
how do I get the dragon? and whats up with this pirate in the prison... 2 09/22/2008
What direction do I need to go in Mt. Orion to fight the demon for V... 2 05/21/2008
Can't Move I think there's a bug. 2 08/08/2011
How do I turn off the music in Aveyond? 2 01/02/2011
hi... just want to ask.. wer can i find dynamite??? and manor is for... 2 03/26/2008
I dunno the answer to the question in the riddles under the page way... 2 12/02/2007
I need the dragon bridle but the queen in veldarah isnt giving me th... 2 08/26/2007
someone HELP!!! im in the demon caves.. i have the lamp and i saved... 2 01/02/2011
hi skippy! thanks! i finally stumbled on how to unlock the halloween... 2 08/01/2008
HALP!! I'm going around in circles, already slowly memorizing my pat... 2 12/21/2007
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